+41 79 446 14 86 info@immofisc.ch

About Us :

Active in the financial, tax and real estate fields for many years, we have established a concept of personalized analysis taking into account all the parameters

exerting a direct and indirect influence on the tax, financial and family situation of our clients where you set the goals and we achieve them together.

Immofisc Sàrl is a high-performance platform for analysis and financial services, available to individuals and companies wishing to obtain a financial approach

overall (compared to a bank, insurance or fiduciary which only offers a partial view)



Immofisc Sàrl carries out and assumes for you, any analysis of financial, tax, economic and inheritance situation


Immofisc Sàrl provides complete management of relations, offers and financial products with all suppliers and market participants.



Immofisc Sàrl by the long-standing experience and by the high competence of its collaborators and partners, offers you an effective support, in close synergy with its

real estate department and its financial, banking and insurance partners, for all capital investments, investments and financing.



From today benefit :

 A global analysis based on tax and financial optimization

 A significant increase in the quality of your advice

 Time saving (allowed by a single point of contact)

 Full transparency and visibility of your assets

 A reduction in your administrative costs